C. D. Wright Poetry.
C. D. Wright is one
of my favorite poets, and through 2013-15 I have been re-reading Just Whistle: A Valentine, Deepstep Come Shining, One Big Self, and other poetry selections
in her collection Steal Away. Somehow I began reading what I would call Wright’s
“Neo-Romantic Sublime Gothic” poetry in the context of David Shields’ Reality Hunger. Wright is especially
adept at exposing the indeterminacies of
contemporary life through figures of the Sublime and Gothic, such as “July by
lotuslight,” and “ghost hair nestled in streamers” (Deepstep). Shields in Reality
Hunger reminds us that we’re still thrilled by that which is culturally
familiar, when it is made to slip jarringly toward the new, beyond clichéd image/idea/language
(82 #240). As I read Wright’s poetry aloud, I am thrilled by the disruption of
the heightened diction of Gothic otherworldliness and by the rebuff to Sublime
“intimations of immortality” through her raw diction, like “cane slashing
through the grass” and the image of lightning striking a lake, causing a swan to
explode as her “five cygnets sizzled on the surface” (Deepstep). Thus, raw lines of poetry are interlaced with Sublime
Gothic language. Might we be thrilled by the mixing of the Gothic and the raw,
by language that is made to fail in its approach to the Sublime?