Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Zodiac (2007), directed by David Fincher, is a solid docu-thriller, based on Robert Graysmith’s book.  The part of the film that most captured my attention wasn’t the scenes with John Carrol Lynch playing Arthur Leigh Allen, but the scene between Robert Graysmith (played by Jake Gyllenhaal) and Bob Vaughn (played by Charles Fleischer), who is a friend of Rick Marshal, the  presumed Zodiac in that part of the film. It dawns on Graysmith that Vaughn might be the Zodiac killer just as Vaughn lures him into his basement. The scene turned into one of those great “don’t go into the basement” moments that allowed the documentary elements of the film to give way to the genre of the thriller. The scene ends with Graysmith running from the Vaughn home . . . and the audience running with him.
Clip of Zodiac film from IMBd